About AAM

Ammana adige mane in Kannada means mother's kitchen. This blog is aimed at those who love to cook simple home made food with minimum available ingredients.The style of recipes in this blog will be mostly Dakshina Kannada (Vegetarian) home made food. However I intend to share recipes other than authentic Dakshina Kannada cooking which include cuisines from Andhra, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab...There is also something for those who like cuisine from across the sea.

I am dedicating this blog to my family and friends. I Hope you all will enjoy the site and keep sending your feed back for further improvement. Enjoy and savour the different delicacies that I am going to serve you all.

Sep 22, 2012

Baklava Rolls

Baklava Rolls
Baklava Roles is a middle Eastern specialty. It is a very rich dessert stuffed with roasted dry fruits.However I have given it a slight Indian touch by adding cardamom and using sugar syrup glaze instead of honey.

1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup almonds
1/4 cup cashews
1/4 cup pista1/4 cup pecans
1/4 cup mecademia nuts
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup grated, roasted dry coconut
1/4 cup butter
1 cup powder sugar
1/2 cup sugar for sugar syrup
1 table spoon finely sliced pista for garnishing
1 tea spoon cardamom powder
1 packet puff pasty sheet or 500 gm bakery bought puff dough
1. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees

2. In a pan put the sugar for the syrup, add 1/2 cup water and cook till the syrup forms one thread consistency

3. Mix all the roasted dry fruits and put in the mixer jar and run the mixer for two seconds. The idea is to just break the dry fruits into smaller pieces
4. Powder the sugar and cardamom and mix with the dry fruits
5. Add the grated roasted dry coconut to the above mixture and mix well.
6. Role the puff pastry dough into big chapatis and cut length wise of 3 inch width. (If using ready made pastry sheets ,spread the sheets, brush it with butter , spread the dry fruit mixture)
7.Brush with butter and generously spread the dry fruit mixture
8. Role each strip
9. Arrange on a greased baking tray and bake for 25 minutes or till the baklava turns golden brown
10. Remove and glaze it by brushing sugar syrup on the rolls
11. Garnish with pista slices

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